I go to the same convenience store and chat with the same guy every morning. He’s just a doll and one of the best examples of customer service I’ve ever seen.
Today, for the first time, he notices, admires, and compliments my Miami ring. He seems impressed. I beam a little with pride.
As I’m going to the truck, I notice a moving van parallel parked behind me. The driver is still there, and I’m not in a big hurry, so I don’t worry much about it. He rolls down his window. I think he’s going to say something about being just a minute, but instead, he says he likes the sticker on my truck. I’m a bit thrown; which sticker? Human Rights Campaign? AYW? Oh, the little magnet that is the Miami U! I tell him thanks and that I went there. He did a “no! really?” kind of thing and says he lived in Miami for a long time.
It was nice to be around people who are happy about where I went to school.