And This is Why I Twitter

In the last few days, Twitter messages have cracked me up. Our brother-in-law, Roy, has been Tweeting their family vacation. With his writer humor, that’s been entertaining on so many levels. Tonight, @LAR (a Longhorn) did shoutouts to those who started following her recently. I was lucky enough to land in the middle of that and a friendly battle with her hubby (a Sooner). Hijinks ensue!

Scroll down to read my favorites from the bottom up for chronological order. Some of them are only funny if you click on the tinyurl link in the Tweet.

L L ll @agentgenius You’re between spouses? does @LAR know that?????
L L ll @agentgenius “” LOL I wish I could send that one anonymously!
Lani Anglin-Rosales LAR Retweeting @agentgenius: its sad when in your home, between spouses @LAR has to say “off the record”…
L L ll @agentgenius DUDE, did you just use a porn analogy for Twitter???
Benn of agentgenius agentgenius This is twitter after dark, right? lol
L L ll @LAR hahaha *I* am not the tainted one; I married the tainted one! 🙂 I can’t believe you’d admit to the Sooner bond in a public forum!
Lani Anglin-Rosales LAR Retweeting @agentgenius: lol nsw [i knew you’d like that, hon! 🙂 hooray F word!]
Lani Anglin-Rosales LAR @ll then you missed the Freshman Year brainwashing. oops, i mean orientation 😉 i’ll luv ya anyhow! :):)
Lani Anglin-Rosales LAR so for anyone who doesn’t twit with their spouse on their laptop from the same sofa, i *highly* advise it. it’s a ridiculous amount of fun!
Lani Anglin-Rosales LAR @agentgenius down? like as in “down in the recordbooks as greatest sooner ass kicker EVAH”??? 😉
Lani Anglin-Rosales LAR @agentgenius i see what you did there. ps: here’s the 08-09 OU kicker: 😀 love you!
Lani Anglin-Rosales LAR twitshoutout to @ll who’s in Bryan and hosts (and i’m hoping isn’t an aggie LOL) 🙂
Lani Anglin-Rosales LAR twitshoutout to @asyouwish photographers extraordinaire, recently mentioned in Insight magazine!
Lani Anglin-Rosales LAR Retweeting @jeremya: @LAR Like a shirt that says “My other ride is your mom”? [PLEASE don’t give @pauloelias ideas…]
Lani Anglin-Rosales LAR – guess which pets belong to @agentgenius and which belong to me… HINT: his pet is evil….

This whole thread of Tweets cracked me up and was quite entertaining for me this evening. Plus, I made a couple of new friends. 🙂

I <3 Twitter.

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