- RT @annamunoz RT @pourmecoffee Today we celebrate Christopher Columbus winning Season One of “The Amazing Race.” Nice win. #
- ATX: Join Room to Read for Indian Nights Thur, Oct 15, 6-10pm at Clay Pit 1601 Guadalupe. Tickets $40 http://tinyurl.com/RtRIndia #
- I’m going to have to go elsewhere to work today. Our Internet is just crawling. #
- Dear monday, you are really starting to suck. Can you let just a couple of things go right, please? #
- Hill Country as daily scenic view. I love Austin! It’? the little things! #
- @incslinger I’m sure banks make more money when closed than they do when open. #
- Really Yelp? I ask for seafood & get Catfish Parlour, LJSilvers, & Luby’s? Not all places that serve fish are seafood restaurants. com’ on! #
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