- Today, a good friend made me feel like a million bucks. I <3 u, Thank you! #
- What is everyone going to be for Hallowe’en (if you are telling)? I can’t tell, but I’m thinking traditional. #
- Macs are superior. Period. The END. 😉 #
- Oh, so you are going to be part of the circus? I bet is super proud! tee heee heee. #
- Now that you’ve admitted it, I can make complete & total fun of u 4 it! The song Mustang Sally pops n2 my head: Moustache Lani! #
- http://bit.ly/2V49b1 #
- What about this one? http://bit.ly/1GH6LE #
- funny girl. Like you’ve been in a vastly different timezone or something…. ! 🙂 #
- YAY! RT Sgt Meine is finally HOME!!!!! WOOOHOOOO #
- Hey driver of a Black Pontiac Texas plate 832 XDG please tell your passenger that cigarette butts are litter, too! #
- Win a new Canon 5DMKII (or $2500 Gift Cert) from @OPGear & Scott Bourne. Pls RT. Details here: http://bit.ly/BqU8N #
- Mental note: don’t buy any gifts at Half Price Books no matter how perfect the “find” might seem. Their return policy is teh suk. #
- RT WTF? RT Latest bank fee: for paying off credit card on time every month http://bit.ly/1OGEh BOA can DIAF w/ Citi #
- Won’t be buying gifts @ Barnes & Noble. Return policy only slightly better. How can buy/give/return happen in just a few days? #
- Austinites, if you don’t have plans for the 30th, this is a fun event for a good cause: http://tinyurl.com/yfswaek #
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