I have an amazing job! (Bet y’all never thought you’d hear that from me! You know I’m picky. I actually expect respect and trust from my boss and reporting line! gasp, the horror!)
I work for one of the nicest guys you’d ever meet.
I work with the nicest men and women I’ve ever been on a staff with. We are a diverse set of colors, religions, backgrounds, and experiences. Our respect for one another—and for all humans—makes this job heavenly.
We make the coolest stuff, and I’m learning so much. While I’m in over my head with our content, they all take the time to patiently explain it all to me. Any one of them would make a great faculty member, if they wanted the headaches of a classroom and the drama of tenure. Anyone want to know about what our various orbits are called and what each one is best for? Now, I can teach you (a little).
I work hard, and just when I wonder if I’m pulling my own weight, I receive praise and admiration from my boss.
You know people say there is “one of those in every office”? Well, we don’t have any of them. Everyone is nice and professional—from our PhD wielding execs and scientists to our formerly-enlisted production techs—I’ve never been this happy at work. I’ve been out a couple of days with the “damn cold” and I miss them….all of them.
For those of you who have given me resumes, I’ve passed them along to our VP. He’s a brilliant man. He’s ridiculously busy, but he will make the time to take a look.
Other than wedding photography, I have never liked a job this much. Dare I use the word bliss? I think I shall.
I’ve never heard you gush so much about a job. I’m happy for you and proud of you for not compromising and finding a place that’s a good fit and not just a paycheck. If only we could all be so blissful!