GIANT neighborhood-wide Garage/Yard sale
27 families in Westwood, Rockwood, Rosewood, and Shirewood
(near the corner of 2818 and Villa Maria)
Friday April 11th and
Saturday the 12th
7am – 2pm
(no early birds)
Appliances: 2 washing machines, clothes dryer, bookshelves, dorm refrigerator, microwave, 27″ TV.
Health: elliptical machine, weight bench, recumbent stationary bicycle, free-standing punching bag.
Furniture: antiques, dining table w/4 chairs, lateral file, coffee tables, louvered doors, entertainment center.
Kitchen: pots and pans, kitchenware.
Household: tools, books, figurines, misc.
Clothes: lots of name-brand misses clothes
Children’s: Little Tikes kitchen, train table, blocks, small toys, books, clothes
Map & more at: