- Having tons of fun at the September Social at Submerged! Where are YOU? #
- The September Social was Just Too Much Fun! Thank you @LAR @stephensurefire & all who braved the humidity! #
- RT @IleenieWeenie [you’re welcome!] @ll Hey camera lady!! Thanks for taking groovy pix @ #atxsocial #
- RT @austintexasgov AFD firefighters honor 9-11 heroes by climbing stairs equaling WTC floors http://budurl.com/afd911 #
- Support the victims of the September 11 terrorist attack. Add a 9/11 tag to your twitter avatar, http://www.wearredon911.com #
- RT @annamunoz Twitter experiment: I put ona white sweater. Will tweet when I have 2 change b/c I spilled something on it #whyineverwearwhite #
- RT @annamunoz White shirt officially dirty! Culprit: jasmine tea! Made it ~2hrs, 1.5 hours longer than expected #whyineverwearwhite #
- Sosta’s ultrasound went well. No liver problems, just tartar/plague skewing the results. Next step: surgery to remove the lump. #
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