- Goooo Gamecocks! Knock Ole Miss of that Roost! #
- RT @omarg Dan Lyons slams Twitter as a platform for idiots in Newsweek. Spoken like a guy who only follows 17 people @realdanlyons #
- Ole Miss should now fall from the top 10. Miami Hurricanes only have to do their job this weekend to float up a spot or two. Go ‘Canes! #
- Buy a dog a toy & it will play w/ it forever. Buy a cat a present & it will play w/ the wrapper for 10min. via @forces2 @funnyoneliners #
- I admire and adore Erin Andrews! What a strong, powerful, and amazing role model for women in the sports industry….a true Southern lady. #
- @roybragg Boston! yay! See some history for me. #
- @spam aricompter2 #
- Go ‘Canes! Gobble those Hokies! Make this story’s score prediction come true! http://bit.ly/KJccs #
- Hey @jobingaustin I’m the one who made the Mac comment. Thanks for the shoutout! 🙂 #
- @stealingsand how about a spa basket for the mom-to-be? #
- Had a great meeting with @aliciahoffman So much fun making new friends and working on projects together! #
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