- RT @JonAston A professional competes against himself, an amateur competes with others #BrandCampU (RT @ConversationAge) #
- Onl our way! RT @keepaustinwierd Get thee to the Austin record convention now! $5 all weekend long! via@austinrecords http://bit.ly/dUqGP #
- http://twitpic.com/kz2ay – FWD: #
- RT @myerman Fall has arrived in Austin. Had to use heater in car this a.m. Next week will probably be blazing hot, so enjoy it now. #
- RT @Colorburned: Are there any resume writers out there? via @maczter #
- @Colorburned @maczter Angela Loeb is a resume writer @angelarloeb http://www.insyncresources.com/ #
- We are bundling up in sweaters and getting ready for a haunted tour of Austin! #
- Go ‘Canes!!! Whoosh whoosh! NCAAFTBL START Rattlers (FLda A&M) v Hurricanes (Miami). Kick off – Game underway. (AP) #
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