thankful for:
- E and especially the many ways he shows his love for me
- Sosta and especially that she is still with us and extra especially that she seems to feel just fine
- Purrrrrl and especially that she helps me take care of Sosta
- Turtleor and especially his cute expressions
- both sides of our family and especially their understanding that we couldn’t make it to Thanksgiving this year
- reasonable health and especially that I seem to be fighting this cold well
- Netflix and especially the instant queue
- our move to Austin and especially that this town has the kind of personality that suits us
- Weenie’s Warriors #AwTwX and especially the wonderful impact it has in helping me set and meet goals for AYW
- Twitter and especially that it connects me to people who inspire, challenge, and support me
- humor and wit and especially the ability to appreciate those characteristics in others
- our cute little Scion xD and especially its very quiet ride
- and many, many of the little things in life…