(The Customer is) NotAlwaysRight.com is one of my favorite blogs. Since I’m also a huge Legally Blonde fan, this one cracked me up!
Getting To The Root Of The Problem
(I am selling souvenir programs and backpacks for Legally Blonde: The Musical in the lobby. The customer I’m talking to is a brunette; so am I.)
Me: “Would you like a souvenir program?”
Customer: “But you’re not blond.”
Me: “I’m sorry, ma’am? Would you like a program?”
Customer: “This is Legally Blonde! You should be blond.”
Me: *thinking she’s joking* “You know, it’s funny…I was blond for six months and just dyed my hair back to my natural color before I found out this show was coming.”
Customer: *completely serious* “But you are not blond!”
Me: “No ma’am, I am not.”
Customer: “Why would they let you sell things for the show when you are not blond?”
…go read the rest of this little exchange on NotAlwaysRight.com.