A Vegan Thanksgiving in 2011

For part of our 2011 celebration of thanks, I just purchased my first ever “tofurkey” with trimmings. We’ll see how I can handle two holiday meals in Bryan, followed immediately by another two in Paris.

It’s hard enough to get to both Thanksgivings with some kind of contribution to the meals. Now, I’ll bring my own entire meal.

I wish I could “just eat sides”. That would be LANDS easier. Or, if I could have a weekend of allowed cheats….that would be easier, too. However, it’s not that simple. Sides will be laced with butter and/or cheeses and/or creamy sauces. After no meat/diary for several months, it’s quite likely that eating items that rich will make me sick. The only things I know for sure that I can eat will be tossed salad (BYO dressing of course) and whatever rolls my grandmother prepares (because she’ll leave butter off of one for me). Everything else at the Luza semi-potluck will be a crap shoot. Everything my grandmother will prepare will have a dairy protein in it.

So, our plan is that E is contributing a dessert to the meal at his mom’s. My grandmother has offered to buy me whatever I want and let me cook it when we get there (delaying the meal by another 20-30 minutes). So, I’m going to cook up the tofurkey and trimmings (like a vegan gravy!) and make a couple of sides for my meal in Bryan. Then, in Paris, I’ll have the leftover tofurkey and some different sides I make at her house.

So, I’m off to research thanksgiving-worthy vegan side dishes that will make ahead and reheat well. Then, I have to figure out how I can transport it without making a giant mess.

It should be interesting to say the least.

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