RIP mom

E’s mom hadn’t been great for a while. A few years ago, after a fall and a broken back that required rehab, she busted out of her “promotion” to Assisted Living. She was trying to go home. On foot. Without any keys. In 100+ degree weather. Miles from the house. More than just a time or two.

She was moved into Memory Care. Things were pretty good there except for minor tumbles. She recognized faces and showed us all the love she always had, but she’d forget other stuff. She would swear up and down that no one ever came to see her. She started asking us how our kids were doing. And she always told us to be good to ourselves (one of her “-isms”).

Then over the summer, she got the #DamnVirus. And wouldn’t you know, she was fine. She was asymptotic, and up and walking around. She seemed far more agile in isolation than when in the Memory Care wing. We talked to her through a window and over the phone.

Recently, they engaged Hospice. This week, they stopped her meds. She was in a coma for a little bit. E got to talk “at” her over the phone. And now, she’s gone; at about 3am on the morning of E’s last day of work, she left our world.

She was an amazingly loving and supportive mom/mother-in-law.

We miss you, Mom.

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