Westwood Estates (and friends) Garage Sale

link to this information:

Garage Sale in the “NeighborWoods”!

Friday April 11th & Saturday April 12th
7am – 2pm

Westwood, Rockwood, Rosewood, and Shirewood
near the corner of 2818 and Villa Maria

Contact L@texasbluelime.com or call 979 272 4073 to sign up. Please provide:

  • your name
  • your street address
  • your email address

$5 includes your $3 permit and helps us cover the cost of an ad in The Eagle. You can leave your payment in the blue tub on our front porch (3209 Westwood Main). Drop off your $5 payment by Wednesday at 12noon. I’ll go get the permits on Wednesday and deliver them to you all on Thursday.

If you pair up with a neighbor, the other $5 will be used for additional (bigger, more days, etc.) advertising. Just be sure to have your sale in only one of your yards, so the permit is still valid.

Advertising in place:

Advertising we’ll get:

  • The Eagle ($18-$40 depending on the number of lines/words and the number of days run.)
  • Spanish Radio (apparently they run garage sale ads for free)
  • Signs at the corners of Gabbard/2818, 2818/VillaMaria, VillaMaria/WestwoodMain, and Gabbard/WestwoodMain

27 families are participating so far!

  • PAID
    • L & E 3209 and Jes & Cady 3211 and Victoria 3207 Westwood Main in Westwood
    • Anja & Walter 3209 Deer Trail in Westwood
    • Heather 3005 Westwood Main in Westwood
    • Christy at 2803 Brandywine in Rosewood
    • Anita 2001 Dimrill Dale Cr. in Shirewood
    • Jen & Sean 2607 Westwood Main in Rosewood
    • Ruth 3023 Hummingbird Circle in Westwood
    • Gale and THREE other families 3002 Westwood Main in Westwood
    • Rhonda 2503 Westwood Main
    • Kristen 2120 Pantera in Rosewood
    • Cindy 3002 Hummingbird Circle in Westwood
    • Lynn 1900 Pinewood in Rockwood
    • Patrick & Aime 2302 Westwood Main in Rosewood
    • Alice 2400 Westwood Main in Rosewood
    • Sharon 3016 Westwood Main in Westwood
    • Jeff & Donna 3205 Wilderness in Westwood
    • Laura & Jimmy 2124 Pantera in Rosewood
    • Angela 3202 Cougar Trail
    • Wanda 3115 Hummingbird in Westwood
    • Whitney 2200 Puma in Rosewood
    • Dale and Rilene 3105 Rolling Glen in Westwoode

Appliances: 2 washing machines, clothes dryer, bookshelves, dorm refrigerator, microwave, 27″ TV.
Health: elliptical machine, weight bench, recumbent stationary bicycle, floor-standing punching bag
Furniture: antiques, dining table w/4 chairs, louvered doors, bookcases, coffee table, entertainment center
Kitchen: pots and pans, kitchenware.
Household: tools, books, figurines, misc.
Clothes: name-brand misses clothes
Children’s: Little Tikes kitchen, train table, blocks, small toys, books, clothes

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