We have been slow to update and that is mostly because we’ve traveled back to Bryan a LOT. After, getting the apartment, packing, and moving, we also traveled for these reasons:
- 30 May – a wedding
- 13 June – a wedding
- 20 June – to have the carpets cleaned
- 22 June – to get something from the house that we both thought was already in Austin; L made a special day trip
- 27 June – E’s neice’s wedding
- 2 July – to Paris. Happy Birthday to L’s grandparents (3rd and 4th) and to celebrate Independence day with the Parisites.
For the 4th, we headed back to ATX. We wanted to hear the Austin Symphony play 1812 Overture with real cannon fire and see the fireworks over the lake. It was amazing.
photo from the Austin American Statesman
Read about the Austin festivities.
Happy Independence Day to you all.