- No one but Neil Patrick Harris could have done THAT! #emmys09 #
- RT @annamunoz The remembrance part of awards shows is always so sad….. #
- Well,105,000+ people in north Texas don’t seem to be affected by a weak economy since they canallafford seats at the largest NFL game ever. #
- @jenwojcik and @bwoj Happy Anniversary! #
- @LAR @bennrosales Where are you working today? I never want to go there. Eeeeewwwwwwww #
- LOL! RT @funnyoneliners Kayne, if you’re reading, can you please interrupt this meeting?
(via @lefauxfrog) # - @JenWojcik @maczter October is the most popular month for weddings in Texas. June is #2. #
- @JenWojcik Yes, for the weather. October is the nost temperate month in Texas. It’s also why Texas moved “Nat’l” Night Out from Aug to Oct. #
- RT @funnyoneliners I think your problem is low self-esteem. It is very common among losers. #
- Newsflash: Time Warner cable is THE SUK. Cable signal’s fine, but employees aren’t given consistent/helpful info, nor are they even polite! #
- Or cheese fries! RT @funnyoneliner Sometimes you just need a hug, preferably from someone who made an extra martini by mistake. v @InsoOutso #
- too effin’ much! #
- adding to THE SUK list: insurance & credit union. Just DO WHAT YOU SAID & CALL ME BACK when u don’t have what u need? I’m not effin’ psychic #
- @coffeyfiend Yeah, I know. Sometimes sarcasm is lost on Twitter. 🙂 #
- @maczter I’d love to help your friends with their wedding plans/photography, if they are at that stage of planning. 🙂 #
- @LAR Oh that’s just cruel! Do you want me to catch whatever they have on their hands? At least I already don’t visit Starbucks & Panera. #
- @lruettimann yay for good news! #
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