
Whew….an understatement.

The “leak”? The dishwasher. yay!

The dishwasher had a big pool of water sitting in the bottom of it. We don’t know how or why it got there, but the warranty guy turned it to a cycle to make it drain. …and all the water drained. It was like magic!

To test it, we ran a cycle while we were near it. Nothing seemed to leak in any way. So, we are going to keep an eye on it, but so far, we might not have a problem. How the water got in there is still a mystery, but I’m not going to try to repeat the problem on purpose!

Today, we (E stayed home to help with the leak evaluation) met more new neighbors, learned the pool-side happy hour schedule, and learned that there are a whopping five kids in the whole 120 units. We were doted on with ingratiations such as, “we love it when young people move in” and learned that we live on the “cool kids” end of the ‘hood where everyone down there hates the nosy HOA prez. Since I watched her peer into our neighbor’s back yard a couple of days ago, I’m going to make a sign an lay it on our patio.

“If you can read this, you’re being too nosy, Pat.”

We also learned that one complaint at the annual HOA meeting in January was that there are too many USA flags? really?!?!?! So, Saturday is Miami basketball game against UNC and we have a watch party that day. I’m going to display that 24′ flag E got me a few years ago. And, if I ever find a cheap rainbow gay-pride flag, I’ll fly that, too. Gotta keep the old bigots guessing! 😉

Anyway, we did lots today and are both exhausted. I know why and how I’m tired each day, but I do NOT know how E can go to work all day and then do some of this stuff at night, too. We’re both “working” the same hours, but he needs a lot more sleep than I do.

Anyway, tomorrow, he’ll be at work and I’ll work on the space with my next-most-important items to-do list. Then, we’ll go to the Austin No Kidding! games night at Pam & Ryan’s place. Saturday morning, we are going to move Turtleor, go watch my Canes beat UNC, and try to get more stuff ready for the movers to come on Tuesday. Tuesday! tuesday? eeek! tuesday.

Feel that? It’s the big sigh of relief that we don’t have to jackhammer the beautiful 6″ tiles in our kitchen floor.


3 thoughts on “Whew!

    • No, we can’t be in two places at once. I wanted us to have some basketball (and baseball) watch parties this year, so unless we have some big emergency, I need to go to that, instead of Circle.

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