Pre-existing Condition, My Ass

So, E (as primary on the insurance) gets a bill this week that the dentist wants the rest of the money for the bridge replacement. Insurance didn’t pay their part due to “a pre-existing condition….missing tooth”. I know this is a big “shock” to you all, but I’m seething. I know “receptionist” (in quotes and […]

The Dental Probrem

While the entire healthcare industry is a racket full of it’s own bullshit, I’m going to rant blog [1] today about the dental niche. The Dental Probrem[2] We pay for dental “insurance”. Apparently, the morons who designed this system don’t understand how insurance is supposed to work. Insurance is supposed to go like this: everyone […]

Give AND Take part deux

Another rant so soon? Yes, it seems these things come in waves. Furthermore, there have been several things going on. In all kinds of ways, I give a LOT to my community. I give time/skill/talent to charity and other community efforts. I pick up random trash I see. I take a shopping cart from the […]