After a day of being away from the Internet, I spent about an hour Getting Things Done just catching up on the emails and tasks that came in.
So, here are my accomplishments for today:
- sent Indi next door to play with Buddy
- Getting Things Done
- Wivagg family portrait session
- butterflies abound at the Horticulture Gardens; I must make this an annual pilgrimage
- Getting Things Done
- mow our and Jes’ yards
- (E edged and hung lights for Luzaween)
- bathed Indi
- lunch with my Sweetest One
- applied for two jobs
- Getting Things Done
- tickled Luzaween guests to RSVP
- updated my online resume to match the latest version and set re-directs to get there:
- downloaded free fonts
- inspired by Bryan Person, I started working on my social media resume
- watched E play some Lego Star Wars on xbox (pretty funny to see Luke when he meets Yoda)
- more work on the social media resume
- see, I should be cleaning the house, but I’d rather play with my MacBookPro and HTML
- dinner with E and Jes
- Getting Things Done