Dreams through Groupon in just 4 days

Wow. What a week it has been! And it’s just Thursday.

  1. Tuesday was our (mine and B’s) little Taste of Dream Dinners party. AYW provided updated headshots/avatars to those in attendance. Another friend, V sold her necklaces. It was small, but valuable for each of us involved. I have been too slow at getting those images processed.
  2. Wednesday, I was “it” at my monthly Brainstormers group. I presented a problem: how to market to school-age kids, Tweens, and teens and their parents. Through a process that adheres to the rules of Brainstorming, I was literally bouncing up and down at all the fabulous ideas. I can’t wait to implement some of them. I was also happy to see that my brainstorming topic was one that could apply to a lot of the members of the group.
  3. Thursday morning I had an interview for a great job—-I’ve kept my job search a bit on the down-low, I’ve had enough bad bosses/jobs thankyouverymuch [1]—-as an Education Coordinator…but as it turns out, it has a 75% travel time. I could easily be gone Monday-Friday for three weeks of every month. If I get an offer from them, we will have to consider it very carefully.
  4. Thursday all day, AYW was the Groupon.com deal of the day for Austin. As of this writing, I have 90 portrait sessions from new clients for the Austin area! And, my business name has been in front of 44,000+ Austin members today. In addition, I also got a new Senior Ambassador, and I sold a Womb-to-Bloom portrait series that includes a maternity session, newborn session, 3-6-9 month sessions, and a first birthday session complete with balloons and CAKE! (Maybe #3 isn’t so important, after all…?). Whew! Late in the day, I learned that a potential bride and a close friend were on the list of those who purchased Groupons. Thank you, both. You “warm the cockles of my cockles”. [2] Ack! I just checked again and it’s up to 95!!

There have been several other happy moments this week: I was selected to serve on two committees; I’m going to be working with great folks on both of those! And, my new friend, H, gave me some excellent feedback on a challenging aspect of my website, which I took to heart and applied fully. Just a few days later, I was able to return the favor to her in the form of reviewing her “audition” piece for a graphic design job. She was pleased with the feedback and genuinely considered my thoughts. She and I are on to something, here… There were others, too. It’s been a week of amazing moments.

When will my world stop spinning? I can only handle this adrenaline rush for a little while longer. At the same time, it sure is a spinning a web of happiness; a web that I know will catch me when I fall.

“If my friends could see me, now!” Oh wait; you can! You just did!

Oh, and BTW, adrenaline and/or sheer excitement is an easy fix for a caffeine dependency. I’ve barely had any today and have hardly noticed. How do I get THAT side effect more often

Happy Weekend, everyone!

[1] Do’ort’y the Lawsuit, Poopy CapeHard, Kevin Jack-off-some, REEX, and Urinal Guava
[2] “warms the cockles of my cockles” I’ve been looking for that reference for years. If you can give me the original reference for this quote, I’ll give you a free portrait session of your choosing (for those nearby) and/or a free design for Valentine’s or other holiday cards (for those far-far away).

3 thoughts on “Dreams through Groupon in just 4 days

  1. We just closed at 97. Three short of a “milestone” but very much a manageable number for a short-term set of portrait orders. I’m very excited about the entire venture.

  2. Rock rock rock on!!! 🙂 So proud and so happy to have gotten a cheapo portrait session. 🙂 Will make my mom VERY happy if I can use AYW for pics of me, marc, the sis and (maybe) her boy. We will totally win Mother’s Day if I can con them into coming to town for a session.

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