How the Internet Works

You aren’t anonymous on the Internet. This should come as no surprise to anyone who has ever used Google or facebook. If you comment on my blog, I can see what city you are in. I even have a vague-to-accurate address (depending upon several things). If you ask me for help with something and then […]


Our week in DFW was full of fun (well, for one of us, at least.) Sunday-drive up. We got a late start, but got there just fine. The hotel next to E’s class building was really nice. The only thing we missed was a mini-fridge. Monday-While E had his first day of class, complete with […]

Dreams through Groupon in just 4 days

Wow. What a week it has been! And it’s just Thursday. Tuesday was our (mine and B’s) little Taste of Dream Dinners party. AYW provided updated headshots/avatars to those in attendance. Another friend, V sold her necklaces. It was small, but valuable for each of us involved. I have been too slow at getting those […]

First Day!

Well, today is E’s first day of work. I made us a sausage and eggs breakfast so he could eat well for his first day. It was cool this morning, so we had a lovely breakfast on the balcony. He planned for 45 minutes of driving, but it only took ~20. (yay @bennrosales and @LAR […]

How Do You Know?

OK, seriously, how do good friends know just what you need and just when you need it? JG, LH, J&B, and even L (whom I’m certain does not read our blog) have all been completely and totally there for me today while I’m in that frustrated panic to get everything ready for my first year […]

LS & HM Memorial Golf Tournament

Some of you may remember when, earlier this year, a good friend of my dad’s passed away. Well, the next step was to add H’s name to the Memorial Golf Tournament. There are also plans to install a memorial bench at the course, like the one there in memory of Daddy. LS & HM Memorial […]