Friends in HIGH Places
my dear friends, thank you ten fold for your faith in me and my work and your love and devotion to me as a person
my dear friends, thank you ten fold for your faith in me and my work and your love and devotion to me as a person
Wow. What a week it has been! And it’s just Thursday. Tuesday was our (mine and B’s) little Taste of Dream Dinners party. AYW provided updated headshots/avatars to those in attendance. Another friend, V sold her necklaces. It was small, but valuable for each of us involved. I have been too slow at getting those […]
At Texas School this year, I bought a small softbox and a tiny flash and some comm devices to sync them. I have a lot of plans to use this little (light and portable) setup and have my first opportunity coming up in a few days. Since May, I had played with them all, but […]
1) I’m doing a photo-a-day-for-a-year Project365. Any comments you have on any of my images would be much appreciated. 2) AYW is having a sale. That’s right! 20% off everything until the end of February. So, now is the perfect time to book a photo session. If you know anyone that needs business headsots, […]