The drive from Vernon TX to the Fort Worth area was still windy af, but it was much easier otherwise. We were on uncommon roads with little traffic, but still lots of wind and wind farms. The drive was fine, but getting to the RV park was a challenge with construction and a giant detour. Hmmm, maybe the lady who called to tell us she emailed us (#PetPeeve) paperwork could have mentioned that bit of info??
The short driving day got us to the park and all set up by 2pm, so we had lunch and then E conjured a nap (surprise). I used that time to try to find a new home for Turtleor and to look for resources for “assisted living” for Purrrrrl. I never thought she’d still be with us, especially with all her stomach issues. Still, taking either of them to a much higher elevation and a much colder climate would be cruel. The altitude–and the sudden rise of it all–is rough on us humans; I can’t imagine what it would do to their tiny bodies. Plus, we’re going to be gone a lot; they’d be lonely. #AnyoneWantATurtle? #AnyoneWantAnElderlyCat?
Friday night, we had a lot of fun hanging out with J, A, and C and meeting a lot of new people, too.
Saturday, we made the last leg of the drive down I-35 to Austin. The wind was even worse, if that’s possible. The construction and traffic was the usual. We tucked the motorhome into her parking spot at about 3pm.
It was a good trip and we accomplished our goal of finding a new home. Next steps are a lot of work: finish purging, coordinate move-in with our new building, and make the move itself.